Chinese scientists have developed a unique technology that allows refrigerators to consume less electricity while making them more environmentally friendly.
Researchers at Huazhong University of Science and Technology developed a thermogalvanic technology that is eco-friendly and functions as a cooling mechanism.
According to an estimate, in 2019, refrigerators and freezers in homes used 4% of the world’s electricity.

However, refrigerators equipped with this new technology will consume less electricity, which will help consumers save money.
An ongoing study regarding this technology has shown that thermogalvanic cooling is an environment-friendly technology that reduces carbon dioxide emissions.
The research suggests that the technology could be used in various other devices, from wearable cooling devices to industrial machines.

According to researchers, thermogalvanic technology is close to becoming a part of our lives, be it eco-friendly electricity or low-power refrigerators, it will happen.
Thermogalvanic cells generate heat through reversible chemical reactions that generate electricity.
Researchers discovered that thermogalvanic hydrogel can be used to keep mobile phone batteries cool while using waste heat to generate electricity.

They have succeeded in increasing the cooling power of the thermogalvanic cell to 70%, which was impossible before.
He recognized that additional research is necessary to finalize the system design.
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